Flatten SF

A level, livable city for everyone

Our Vision

It is time to acknowledge the truth: San Francisco’s hills are a primary cause of the incredible inequality in our city.

The wealthy and privileged live atop hills in spacious luxury condos and mansions. Meanwhile, the rest of us are relegated to the low-lying areas. This has only been exacerbated in recent years, as “Tech Workers” have flooded our city, populated the heights, and now gaze down upon those in the Real Economy.

Your quality of housing should not be dependent on your altitude. This is not Elysium. Those with access to high-horsepower, high-torque vehicles (ie luxury “Teslas”) that can reach the top of hills should not be in a class above working folks.

It is time to FLATTEN SF.

We can and must abolish height discrepancies of over 10 meters throughout the city by clearing and leveling the Hills, and populate this new, flat San Francisco with equitable, low-density homes.

Research has also shown that San Francisco’s hills act as “barriers” between communities. Now, more than ever, we need to be tearing down barriers and uniting. This can only be accomplished if we share attitudes AND altitudes.

Don’t listen to those who say this “can’t be done” or “it’s not physically possible”. We can achieve anything we put our minds to, so long as we have the courage to support Real Change in our communities.


Q: Can we really afford to clear and level all of the hills in San Francisco?

A: We’re tired of hearing about what’s not possible, or we can’t afford. Raising taxes by just 50% on the richest 20% of Californians could easily fund this project, especially if combined with Federal subsidies.

The economic benefits of this project would be enormous, with numerous high-paying jobs created to demolish current buildings, level the hills, and re-populate the new, low-lying areas. In many ways it would pay for itself.

Q: What would be done with current Hilltop Residents during the leveling process?

A: Leveling Villages would be established to house residents that experience disruption from this process. We are now accepting design proposals.

Q: What would happen with current Hilltop structures?

A: Elitist Hilltop communities would be dimdantled, and either relocated elsewhere or have their materials recycled and used to construct equitable homes on the newer, level San Francisco.

Q: How to get started?

A: We are exploring a variety of legal paths, including ballot initiatives and proposals through the Board of Supervisors.

In 2021 we hope to pass a law establishing a new zoning type - "FL-1" - that would require areas to be leveled before any new developments could begin.

Q: What are the first areas targeted for Re-Equalization (flattening)?

A: Our proposal would start with clearing and leveling Pacific Heights, which is among the worst offenders of high-income housing density. Telegraph Hill, Nob Hill, Russian Hill, and Laurel Heights would all be top considerations for next-up leveling.

The entire “Twin Peaks” / Diamond Heights / Noe Valley elitist enclave would also be an initial focus area, pending a solution for Sutro Tower repositioning.

Q: What would the environmental impact be?

A: Do not listen to those who are claiming this would turn San Francisco into a “swamp”. This city was originally a thriving ecological zone, and returning much of the city to wetlands would restore biodiversity.

The new, flat profile of SF would also promote strong airflow across the city, finally allowing for in-city windmills to produce energy.

Rest assured, our project would go through numerous environmental reviews, although we believe they should be expedited so we can Flatten and Equalize SF as soon as possible.

Q: What would be done with the earth removed from leveling the hills?

A: It would be donated to communities without easy access to large amounts of high-quality earth, and/or be used for the Fill Lake Tahoe Project that our friends in Placer and El Dorado counties are bravely pushing forward (we stand united!)

Q: What would be done with Coit Tower?

A: When Telegraph Hill has been transitioned to a more equitable, level state, Coit Tower would be relocated to Mission Dolores Park, where it would stand as a monument against injustice and inequality in our society.

Q: What would be done about Potrero Hill?

A: Sharon’s home (which she inherited from her immigrant grandmother) is located on Potrero Hill, so we would reconvene to study the situation and determine if it is prudent to reassess if those would be in-scope for this project in the future, depending on progress with the initial Leveling initiative.

Q: What role would developers have?

A: For decades, property developers have built housing without any thought or consideration for the impact they’re having on our communities. They would be BLOCKED from any part of re-building on the new, flat San Francisco. All structures would be built directly by the Government using 100% renewable energy and recycled materials.